50 Science Projects for Kids

50 Science Things to Make and Do by Usborne books kid science projects everyday things

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Handy Ideas to Keep Your Kids Busy

50 Science Things to Make and Do by Usborne books kid science projects everyday things

  • What: 50 Science Things to Make and Do book
  • When: 4 years and up
  • Why: Entertain them and yourself while learning
  • Where: Usborne books

I’ve raved before about how much I love Usborne books and I will do it again. If you end up stuck at home on a cold winter day with kids too sick to go to school but too well to be in bed, this book is a lifesaver. It comes with 50 educational projects you can do at home.

50 Science Things to Make and Do book on Amazon

50 Science Things to Make and Do book on Amazon

In theory, you have all the materials needed already lying around the house going to waste not being part of your kid’s science education. In actuality, I do not own some of these things, like plastic two liter bottles. We get those for parties a couple times a year maybe, and they get recycled shortly after, but that one item features largely in multiple projects.

Gloop recipe from 50 Science Things to Make and Do
I don’t even know how many times we’ve made this stuff now.

My five year old daughter regularly salivates when we get to do a project from this book, and she’s been equally obsessed with it since we brought it home more than two years ago. Both my other kids get in on the action, too, as well as any other random kid we might be hosting that day. I’ve used several of the projects multiple times to entertain groups of kids in a pinch, like the foaming monster and the gloop recipe. They never fail to keep an entire group of three to seven year olds enthralled and quiet.

Five year old hands in gloop homemade recipe
My daughter playing with the gloop she made.

We haven’t done nearly all the projects yet, much to my daughter’s dismay. And beware that several of them take days to complete, as crystals grow or worms dig tunnels or whatever other natural things need to occur that can’t be rushed by even the most impatient child or desperate parent. Also, the table of contents lists projects by page number, rather than title or grouping them in any way, so it can take longer than it should to find a particular demonstration.

Table of contents from 50 Science Things to Make and Do
The contents aren’t organized in any way I’ve yet to decipher.

The only other downside to owning this book is that it might bring out the hoarder lurking in you, too, when you start to wonder if you’ll need a particular piece of trash for the next science project.

Surface tension project with water milk pepper and food coloring
One of our surface tension projects using milk, yellow and green food coloring, and dishwashing detergent.

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