Solve the Mystery in Five Minutes or Less With This Cooperative Family Game

Codex from 5 Minute Mystery Game The Museum of Everything

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Players Race Against Time to Collect Clues and Eliminate Suspects

Codex from 5 Minute Mystery Game The Museum of Everything
  • What: 5 Minute Mystery The Museum of Everything Game
  • When: 8 years and up
  • Why: Fun, fast, easy to learn
  • Where: Amazon

Looking for a fun new game the entire family can enjoy? Want a quick cooperative game that doesn’t make anyone burst into tears? If you like playing games but can’t always find the time, grab a 5 Minute Mystery Game.

Five Minute Mysr

5 Minute Mystery Game on Amazon

This quick game delivers on the promise. Each round sets a timer, which ranges from three to nine minutes. The game comes with 19 mysteries to solve, meaning kids and adults have plenty of ways to play. 

Case file cards easy, medium, and difficult challenges from 5 Minute Mystery The Museum of Eveyrthing
Choose from easy, medium, or difficult level cases.

First, sort the clue tiles into their four colors: red, purple, green, and blue. Place them face down within reach of all players. Then, shuffle the culprit tiles and select one (or in some instances, two or more) and place it face down in the middle of the playing surface. Shuffle the suspect deck of cards, and distribute evenly between all players. Don’t worry if someone ends up with one card more or less. Don’t forget to give everyone their reference card to help them decipher symbols and clues.

Scene cards and symbols from 5 Minute Mystery the Museum of Eve
Search scene cards for the five different symbols and enter them on the codex. If the codex matches the back of the scene card, you earn a clue.

Finally, shuffle the large scene cards and place them in a stack face up. Turn the codex to the blank sides for each of the five shapes. Once you have all the pieces in place, choose your mystery. Mystery cards come in three difficulty levels, ranging from easy to difficult. The game will instruct you which one to use for your first challenge, and it gives you nine minutes.

Once the timer starts, players work together to find all five symbols on the scene card. Each scene card contains one each of the square, circle, triangle, plus sign, and star shapes. Each shape has five variations. Choose the variation from the codex that matches the one on the scene card. Once you have located all five shapes and matched them on the codex, flip the scene card over. If you’ve correctly decoded the shapes, you get a clue.

Red, blue, green, and purple clue cards from 5 Minute Mystery Game
Choose one of four types of clues, and compare the color along the side to the culprit card.

Choose any one of the four colored clue tiles and flip it over. Compare the shaded markings along the edge to the ones on the culprit tile. If it matches, the suspect must have that item or attribute. If it doesn’t match, the suspect does not have that attribute. Each player then sorts through their stack of suspect cards to eliminate suspects based on that information.

Suspect cards Lily, Ruby, and Karla from 5 Minute Mystery Game the Museum of Ve
Use the clues you collect to search the suspect cards and eliminate options.

After all suspects have been sorted, pass the codex to the next player, and look at the next scene card. Continue decoding scenes for the correct combination of shapes and flipping over clue tiles until you can narrow down the suspect to one offender. Once you have only one suspect remaining, flip over the culprit tile and see if they match. If you can find the correct culprit in less than the time limit, you win!

Did you run out of time? Don’t fret. Not all hope is lost. Choose one of your remaining suspects and flip over the culprit. If it’s a match, you still win.

Player reference cards for 5 Minute Mystery The Museum of Everything Game
Six player reference cards make it easier to locate symbols and decipher clues.

The first game will take longer to open the packaging and understand how to play. But once you know the rules, set up happens in minutes and completing the challenge takes five minutes or less. One person can also play on their own, or recruit fellow inspectors to help with the hunt to capture the culprit.

5 Minute Mystery Game The Museum of Everything cooperative game packed into box
All the cards, tiles, and codex fit neatly back inside the box.

This fast-paced game lets kids practice lots of visual recognition skills in finding shapes, and searching for suspect attributes. It also helps them with time management skills, and not jumping to conclusions. Players build teamwork skills as they work together to eliminate suspects and reach the correct conclusion.

If you want a fun game everyone can play, get ready to solve the crimes in this 5 Minute Mystery box.

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